A Satire of a satire. lol.
The Ultimate Showdown was an animation satirizing a plethora of heros and villians spanning multiple eras, duking it out in a battle royale 'last man standing' scenario. The concept of that movie was generic, the script and music were comical, and the animation was quite average.
The cult that followed after its release was huge. Maybe this type of recognition and admiration was worthy, or maybe it merely split from the roots of the 'ebaums world dot com' following. Either way, a parody was inevitable, and I commend you for your hilarious effort.
The graphics' and sounds' quality were of little importance in poking fun at TUS, moreover, I believe it was requisite that the graphics were poorly executed and hectic, as the music had to be poorly written, rushed, and its lyrics not comprehendable at times. If one could not fathom the epic insanity of such a showdown through neither sight or sound, in which they are overwhelmed by hyperactive visuals and lyrical babble to back it, then I believe this satire achieved what if sought.
Its not that the content was entertaining, its the fact that mocking a widely acclaimed flash by regurgitating it, in a form no greater than a pile of horse shit, was more than enough to boil the blood of TUS's fanbase, and upset the community with something that isn't remotely offensive .. at all.